Sanctum Adroit
Mercenary Company in Celeschul region, though they refer to themselves in the strip as "Emergency armed response organization" [[[@]]].
Described by Tagon as "the haughtiest, most self-righteous mercenary company I know of" [[[@]]].
Notable Members
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Affiliations & Relationships
Contracted for security by Professor Pau on Haven Hive. Only authorized armed response body on Haven Hive [[[1]]] Supplied several Pendrake CS-3100 Ablator Exo-Suits on contract for use by Maximillian Haluska's hirelings who worked as security for Professor Pau on the //Serial Beggar//. Accepted a contract to provide law enforcement services in the city of Jumpstar Prime in Eina-Afa [[[@]]]
First appearance
First official appearance in Book 12: Force Multiplication, at Beggar Bay on [[[2]]], but one of the troops arrests Para Ventura in [[[3]]], and their gunship //Bristlecone first appears in [[[|2011-05-31]]] at Beggar Bay, prompting comment from Kathryn Flinders.
Other notable appearances
[This is for organizations that do not make regular appearances. For the Toughs and other frequently appearing organizations, remove this sub-section.]
Author's Note
[This space is reserved exclusively for Howard!]
[Insert uncertain and speculative facts about the character.] The name Sanctum Adroit is made up from words meaning: Sanctum: A sacred or private place [[[@]]] From Latin s?nctum (?holy place?) which is also the root for sanctuary
- A place of safety, refuge,or protection.
- An area set aside for protection.
- A state of being protected, asylum.
Adroit: Dextrous (lit: right handed), deft, skilled [[[@]]] So far it is trying hard to live up to