Corporal Leelagaleenilelenoleela
Frellenti member of the Toughs. Her actual name is "Leelagaleenileeleenoleela" (with double e's) [[[1]]], but she is called "Legs" for short [[[@]]].
A bipedal flightless bird-analog with a bulbous, snouted head and eyestalks, everybody refers to her as "Legs." Her name is a mouthful, and her legs make her as tall as most of the Toughs. Due to her lack of arms, she frequently uses her long prehensile tongue to operate equipment and perform other tasks.
Affiliations & Relationships
A Grunt in Tagon's Toughs.
Referred to as Leelagaleenileeleenoleela on [[[@]]]
First appearance
[[[@]]] Reports for duty on Kevyn's mission to understand how the F'Sherl-Ganni's gate cloning mechanism works
Author's Note
[This space is reserved exclusively for Howard!]
[Insert uncertain and speculative facts about the character.]