UNS Battleplate Morokweng

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Pentagonal, five-annie Battleplate. The A.I. manifests as a brown-skinned, bald human head, also referred to as "'Kweng". Destroyed by the insane Touch-And-Go 2012-12-20.


Captured the Touch-And-Go and all of Tagon's Toughs at the end of Book 09, The Body Politic 2007-12-10.

Notable Owners/Pilots[edit]

Under the command of Fleet Admiral Manyara Emm.



First appearance[edit]

[Insert a brief description of the circumstances of the vehicle's first appearance in the comic and a link to that strip.]

Other notable appearances[edit]

[This is for specific vehicles that do not make regular appearances. For ships belonging to the Toughs or other vehicles that make frequent appearances, remove this sub-section.]



[Insert uncertain and speculative facts about the vehicle.]

External References[edit]