Fabbers are automatic foundries capable of producing nearly any product or device. You just need materials to 'feed' to the fabber, and you're good to go [[[@http://www.schlockmercenary.com/2001-06-06%7C2001-06-06]]]. The fabber on a Thunderhead Superfortress such as the P.D.C.L. could service & replace field equipment for 25,000 soldiers [[[@http://www.schlockmercenary.com/2001-12-01%7C2001-12-01]]].
UNS fabbers are noted for using ship AI for control circuits [[[@http://www.schlockmercenary.com/2003-09-26%7C2003-09-26]]].
[Insert the known history regarding this technology]
#NotablesNotable Examples
[Just what it says]
File:Http://static.schlockmercenary.com/comics/schlock20040614.png?1297712540 #Appearances - FirstFirst appearance
[Insert a brief description of the circumstances of the first appearance of this technology.]
Other notable appearances
[This is for technology that does not appear regularly. For things like Annie Plants and the Hypernet, remove this section.]
Author's Note
[This space is reserved exclusively for Howard!]
[Insert uncertain and speculative facts about the technology. Include links to Schlock in the Real World where appropriate.]