Very Dangerous Array

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"It's not astronomy ...It's Proactive Target Acquisition" 2003-06-28

The Very Dangerous Array (VDA) is a high-resolution sensor net built using a number of terapedoes. Analogous in function to The Very Large Array (VLA)[1] in New Mexico, it uses a large number of relatively-low-resolution sensors to create a high-resolution composite. Unlike New Mexico's VLA, the VDA has the ability to generate a significant amount of "blam".

A VDA can also help get around the pesky speed-of-light limit on the distance from which traditional missiles can be detected (as expanded upon in a footnote 2005-03-13.


Invented by Commander Kevyn Andreyasn when the Serial Peacemaker was hiding under a beach to avoid detection by UNS ships, and was effectively blind as a result 2003-06-24.

Basic Technologies used[edit]

[Insert a brief list of the technologies necessary for this weapon. These should all have the "technology" tag.]

  • Hypernet
  • Teraport (not strictly necessary; non-FTL torpedoes could, in principle, be used, but would be much less effective)


Notable Examples[edit]

Presently, the only known VDA is in the possession of Tagon's Toughs. Though, from some perspectives, the PD Fleet may qualify.


First appearance[edit]

First reference 2003-06-24. First image 2003-06-29.

Other notable appearances[edit]

Author's Note[edit]

[This space is reserved exclusively for Howard!]


As "very, very proactive target acquisition" 2003-06-27, the VDA is likely deployed whenever it wouldn't be a Bad Idea to do so (at least, by the Toughs' standards, anyway).

The Very Dangerous Array name was re-used in the Troy Rising series, except as a distributed array of mirrors used for solar-pumped laser power.

External References[edit]